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No, it's not an alien language and it's not a secret code. It's the Plan of Salvation, the Plan of Redemption, the Great Plan of Happiness! It's Eternity. And there you are, playing your amazing role in Act II of this three-act play. Be bold! Be awesome! And then use your shirt to explain why you do it.



This is the place where we'll talk about updates about our business, our products and our experiences sharing this idea with all of you. 


Survey Results Are In!

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Today is the day that our survey closes. We had such a great response from all of you it will take us few days to process. We will be announcing the winners of the $50 Amazon cards soon. Stay tuned to Twitter and Facebook for updates. 

Each participant in the survey who provided an email address will receive an email with your coupon code for a percentage off your next purchase. 

We have heard your responses and have already shared some of your quotes on our website and on Pinterest. We are also in the process of uploading new products to our site, via your suggestions so please keep and eye out for that. 

If we really get our act together, we might even have some fun and interesting stats to post later as well. 

Once again, thanks to all who participated in the survey and all who have participated to help us simply spread the Gospel!

We're Linked

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It took us a while, but we've finally made it. In addition to our Facebook page, we now have a Pinterest account and an Twitter feed!

With Pinterest, we have boards to share some of your quotes and comments, to share things that make us happy, and to share pictures of people wearing the T-shirts. We'd like to use this to help spread the simplicity of the Gospel (and the Plan of Salvation) to as many people as we can. 

We're hoping to help share happy thoughts in general on our Twitter feed, as well as keep you up to date on new products or offers. 

Follow our boards and our feed and help us spread the Word!

Happiness in the World

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Imagine my surprise when I recently bumped into a missionary who was wearing one of the Plan of Happiness shirts. He was playing sports with some local members of the church and some guys they've been teaching. He said his mom in California had found it online and just had to send him one.

It was a thrill for me to see this little thing I created go out in the world and come full circle back to Houston. And it didn’t even go though Utah!

But I know it’s circulating in Utah too. An old friend who used to live in Houston noted on Facebook this week that while traveling by train from Salt Lake City to Provo he saw someone board the train wearing one of the shirts. I think that’s so cool!

Obviously, if people buy shirts, they’re going to wear them, but the little kid in me just gets so excited to see and hear of people boldly going out with this message.

And that’s really the whole point – to have a way to quietly, subtly share the gospel of Jesus Christ. When people see the graphic and ask about it, an opportunity arises to explain that life has a purpose, that God loves His children and wants us to return to Him. It’s a chance to bear testimony of simple, life-altering truths.

So, have you worn your shirt out in public? What kind of response did you get? Tell us your story in the comments below or on Facebook.

What makes you happy?

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This is very exciting! 

Some months ago, I was teaching a youth Sunday School class, and in the course of the lesson I drew a simplified Plan of Happiness on the board, as I have done many times. Some of the kids had never seen it, and once they figured it out, they got excited.

"I get it!" they said. "That's so cool!" they said. "You should put that on a shirt!" they said.

"Hmm. Why not?" I said.

So I did. And I've been surprised and thrilled at the response! Every time I wear it, people light up and ask me where they can get one. 

That's why I've created this site: to share this simple idea and help spread the news about God's Great Plan of Happiness.

So, what brings you joy? What makes you happy?